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venerdì 2 dicembre 2011

Condom Glow Fashion

Condom Glow Fashion in effetti è nome di un'abito, composto da 700 profilattici. E' stato disegnato da Nguyen Minh Tuan, per il progetto di laurea " Breaking the condom taboo". Tuan ha detto di aver scelto questo progetto per l'attegiamento critico del popolo vietnamese, nei confronti del sesso e l'uso deo preservativi. Inoltre questo, voleva anche sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica  della giornata mondiale contro l'HIV.
“I made this project in the hope of raising the self-consciousness and awareness of Vietnamese people towards protecting their loved ones by avoiding STDs.”
L'idea comunque è accettata bene dal pubblico grazie al mesaggio creativo che porta.



 Named “Condom Glow Fashion,” is the dress, made with 700 condoms. It was designed by Nguyen Minh Tuan, as part of his graduation project " Breaking the condom taboo". The designer of this dress said that,  he chose to do the project because of the critical attitude of the Vietnamese people towards sex and the use of condoms. He said that he also wanted to raise public awareness of the World Day against HIV/AIDS on December 1th.
 “I made this project in the hope of raising the self-consciousness and awareness of Vietnamese people towards protecting their loved ones by avoiding STDs.”
The idea, however, is well accepted from the audience,thanks to this creative message of designer.


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